Thursday, March 22, 2012

Leek Soup Kick-Off Weekend

I've been doing this cleanse for about 3-4 years, and love it! We have leeks in the bins this coming week so maybe you can try it out too, let me know what you think! I know a number of our clients are doing cleanses this time of year, feel free to share with us what you are doing too and how it works!
Recipe and Instructions For Your First Two Days
Dr. Miracle, the family physician who helped me wake up and recover from my weight gain, was something of a gourmand. He gave me a number of recipes, but none more important than the one he gave me for the first, and only, “tough” weekend. On reflection, it wasn’t so tough at all, because of his “magical leek soup,” a trick used by many of the local women for generations. He had prescribed it to both my mother and grandmother at one point or another.

Leeks are a mild diuretic, and 48 hours or so of leek soup would provide immediate results to jump-start the recasting. For me, it was the start of a lifelong commitment to wellness as well as the beginning of my appreciation, my love, of leeks, about which there is much more to say. It is a trick I still use from time to time; do try it the first weekend.

The printed recipe follows. For a visual step-by-step watch the slideshow.

Recipe for Magical Leek Soup
Serves one for the weekend

2 lbs. leeks
Water to cover in a large pot

1. Clean leeks and rinse well to get rid of sand and soil. Cut end of green parts leaving all the white parts plus a suggestion of green. (Reserve the extra greens for soup stock.)
2. Put leeks in large pot and cover with water. Bring to boil and simmer with no lid for 20-30 minutes. Pour off the liquid and reserve. Place the leeks in a bowl.

The juice is to be drunk (reheated or room temperature to taste) every 2-3 hours, a cup at a time.
For meals or whenever hungry, have some of the leeks themselves, ½ cup at a time. Drizzle with a few drops of extra-virgin olive oil and lemon juice. Season sparingly with salt and pepper. Add chopped parsley if you wish.
This will be your nourishment for both days, until Sunday dinner, when you can have a small piece of meat or fish (4 - 6oz.–don’t lose that scale yet!), with two vegetables, steamed with a bit of butter or oil, and a piece of fruit.

Pity those who don’t love the sweet taste and delicate texture of leeks. Eventually, you probably will. But if it’s not to your liking, follow the example of my cousin in Aix-en-Provence. After the birth of two sons she needed to shed a few pounds, but didn’t love leeks. A neighbor suggested a variation of “magical leek soup” with the “trick” of hiding the leek among other flavorful and healthful ingredients. You too may prefer the Provençal version, known as soupe mimosa.

Mimosa Soup Recipe
1 head of lettuce
½ lb. carrots
½ lb. celeriac
½ lb. turnips
½ lb. cauliflower
1 lb. leeks
2 hard boiled eggs chopped
½ cup chopped parsley
Water to cover in a large pot

1. Clean and chop all ingredients in rough pieces and, except for the cauliflower and parsley, put them a pot. Cover with water, bring to boil and simmer unlidded for 40 minutes. Add the cauliflower and cook for another 15 minutes.

2. Pass all the contents through a food mill.

3. Serve in a bowl and add more parsley and pieces of chopped boiled eggs.

Eat a cup every three hours (room temperature or reheated) or so all day Saturday and Sunday until the same Sunday dinner of fish or meat, 2 steamed vegetables with a dash of butter or olive oil and 1 piece of fruit. Somewhat less liquidy and magical than the leek soup it nevertheless is an effective and tasty alternative.

Both versions are so good, and an adventure for most palates, that you will have a very hard time seeing them as prison rations. Especially if these tastes are new to you, jot your impressions of flavor and fragrance in your journal. In time, this exercise will intensify your pleasures, and you may want to keep a regular diary of your experiences gastronomiques, including some wine notes (just as serious oenologues do).

Monday, March 5, 2012

Juice it up !

By Valerie Hould-Marchand

Juicing is one of the most powerful healing tools available. Fresh juices will supply your body with concentrated enzymes and nutrients needed for the nourishment and regeneration of your body’s cells, glands, tissues and organs.

Also, your body can absorb larger amounts of nutrients from live juices than from solid foods because the process of digestion that is required when you eat whole foods is bypassed.

What to juice

Every plant on earth has specific properties and effects on our bodies. And since life is an experiment, you can juice just about anything you want ! To get you started, here are some suggestions that are sure to improve your diet plan:

Beet Juice
Beet juice is among the most valuable healing juices available. You must juice the tops as well, they contain even more nutrients than the beet. They help to strengthen the immune system and detoxify the kidneys and liver. Beets contain a form of iron that is readily absorbed into the blood, nourishing and toning it and building red blood cells. A little beet juice goes a long way, so do not consume more than 4 ounces at a time. You can also dilute the juice with 2 ounces of water.

Combine with : cabbage

Cucumber Juice
One of the best-known diuretics. It is great for the stomach, spleen and large intestine. Cucumber juice contains silicon, which can help strengthen nails and hair and improve skin conditions.

Combine with : Great with celery or dandelion greens

Turnip Juice
Turnip juice has twice the amount of vitamin C as oranges or tomatoes ! Juice the greens as well, because they contain more calcium than any other vegetable. The root helps the body get rid of uric acid, which can prevent kidney stones and gout. Turnip juice should always be mixed with other vegetables.

Combine with : Carrots, spinach, kale or collards.

Fresh juices must be consumed as soon as it is made. Air, light and heat will initiate the process of oxidation, which will cause the juice to lose vitamins, enzymes and minerals.

Until next time,

Heal yourself
Heal the planet

References : Natural Health Fundamentals, Alive Academy

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Canadian Organic Growers Stand Up to Monsanto

On January 31st in New York City, the Canadian Organic Growers (COG) took part in the first phase of a court case filed to protect farmers from Monsanto’s GMO seed, which contaminates organic and non-GMO farmer's crops and opens them up to abusive lawsuits.
COG board member and organic farmer, Arnold Taylor, represented thousands of organic farmers across Canada at the oral arguments on Monsanto’s pre-trial dismissal motion claiming the 83 plaintiffs in the case have no judicially worthy complaint against the defendant.
“When Monsanto actively reserves the right to sue organic and non-GMO farmers, it’s critical to stand up to these bullying tactics,” said Taylor. “Hundreds of farmers have already been sued by Monsanto, including many in Canada. This is a serious matter.”
Unfortunately, Judge Naomi Buchward of the Federal District Court of Southern New York sitting in New York City, sided with Monsanto to dismiss the case. The Court granted Monsanto's motion to dismiss, calling plaintiffs' allegations "diaphanous" and the complaint "a transparent effort to create a controversy where none exists."
The lawsuit was originaly filed in March 2011 by Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT), a not-for-profit legal services organization, on behalf of 36 farm organizations in North America, representing hundreds of thousands of producers, 14 seed companies, and 33 individual farms or farmers (83 total plaintiffs).  The pre-emptive lawsuit seeks to limit Monsanto’s legal rights to sue organic and non-GMO producers if found to be contaminated with GMO seed. Monsanto subsequently requested the lawsuit be dismissed, claiming the legal action to be a “publicity stunt”.
“Monsanto’s patents are detrimental to our member’s livelihoods and we must protect ourselves,” said Beth McMahon, Canadian Organic Growers’ Executive Director. “We already have significant measures to mitigate for inadvertent GMO contamination of organic crops through the Canadian Organic Standards. This case is not about "creating controversy", but upholding the fundamental rights of farmers to save seed and grow crops without threat of lawsuit.”
Genetically modified crops have already had a significant impact on Canadian organic growers, including the near eradication of commercial organic canola. Once released into the environment, it is impossible to recall GMO seeds, which are often carried by pollinators and wind currents for extensive distances. Monsanto's seed monopoly also controls the genetics of nearly 90% of five major commodity crops including corn, soybeans, cotton, canola and sugar beets.
The public is strongly encouraged to help support the Canadian Organic Growers by donating to the campaign. More information can be found at The Canadian Organic Growers also appreciates the support of the Organic Agriculture Protection Fund, which assisted with Taylor’s travel funds.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Grandpa Black's Caesar Salad

This is the most amazing dressing recipe I've had, my grandfather used to make it, the dressing makes a large portion but you will be able to use it for 5 days. If you try to cut the recipe in half it never turns out the same.
2 Heads of Romaine lettuce
3 tablespoons fresh gratedParmesan
1/2 cup croutons
1/4 cup bacon bits(optional)

combine the following in a deep bowl
2 Eggs
3 teaspoons Dijon mustard
2 cloves crushed Garlic
1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
juice of 1 lemon (approximately 1 Tablespoon)
drop of tobacco
1/8 cup red wine vinegar

slowly add
1 1/2 cups of Olive Oil while whisking fast
dressing will be thick and creamy

Refrigerate dressing for at least 1 hour, toss parmesean on lettuce first and mix, then combine remaining ingredients with dressing and serve!