Friday, May 15, 2009

GEO & Organic Lifestyle

Green Earth Organics is doing a special 2 week promotion with Organic Lifestyle, please keep your eye out for a special discount card in your bin this week or last. This store shares many of the same values as us!
At Organic Lifestyle, like you, we believe organic represents quality over quantity, as it uses more considered production techniques and avoids the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides and toxic dyes. This is particularly relevant when you consider cotton is usually a heavily sprayed crop.

We directly source from organizations that work with farmers to International certifying authorities to validate that the products are certified to the highest organic standards. We don't stop there - We look for environmentally friendly manufacturing procedures such as Oeko-tex and ensure the use of low impact dyes.

What this means for you:
We read the labels so you don't have to
Less harmful chemical exposure
Softer and longer lasting products
Please use the promotion code 'greenearth1' to receive 10% off first purchase online