Green Earth Organics in Toronto now has its own Twitter: (GreenEarthTO). I'll be updating it periodically with whatever I think our members might find interesting.
Twitter describes itself as "... a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?"
The result is an easy way to send short updates, links, and information to people who are interested in what you are doing.
Some of the things you may find on our Twitter:
- Links to organic or earth-friendly news.
- Information about any delivery delays.
- Photos of tested recipes and ideas for using some of the fruits and vegetables in your bin.
- Information about new products before they come into stock.
- Product specials and sales.
If there's something else you think of that would be great to include, please let me know. You can reply on Twitter, call me in the office (416-285-5300), email me (, or comment on a post on our Blogger blog.
I look forward to Twittering with you!