Thursday, September 29, 2011

AN AMAZING FRUIT By Valerie Hould-Marchand  

If avocados are not already part of your routine regime, adding them as a regular staple will make your healthy diet, a super health diet. You see, avocados are one of the super foods because they are brimming with numerous health benefits. These delicious green gems contain more than 25 essential minerals and vitamins. Avocados are also highly versatile, delicious and nourishing! Although sometimes mistaken for a vegetable, here are 3 reasons why you shouldn't overlook this amazing fruit:

1. A great source of Oleic Acid

It is a shame that health crusaders avoid this fruit when trying to maintain a healthy diet due to their high fat content. In fact, 2-3 slices amounts to 4.5 grams of fat… But, it is a nourishing and valuable fat!
Avocados are packed with oleic acid, a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid that is also found in olive oil. This healthy fat compound may help lower cholesterol levels and can enhance memory and brain activity.

2. They are a nutritional hit

Key nutrients in avocados include vitamin D, vitamin E, Zinc, B vitamins, calcium, sodium, folate, iron, manganese, magnesium, amino acids and potassium (about 60% more potassium than bananas !). They also act as a ‘nutrient booster’ by enabling the body to absorb more fat-soluble nutrients like lutein, alpha and beta-carotene, when particular foods, such as spinach, are eaten with avocados.

3. Fibre and Protein

Fibre is the internal ‘broom’ that sweeps the colon of unwanted metals and dangerous toxins. A single avocado contains 10-15 grams of fibre. To put this in perspective, the National Cancer Institute recommends a daily intake of between 20grams and 35 grams of high-fibre foods. It also has nearly 4 grams of protein- more than any other fruit !

Avocado is also a valued ingredient in natural skin care. It will nourish, moisturize and cleanse your pores. All you need is a ripe avocado and a fork ! Mash the fruit to a pulp and apply to your face with your fingers and leave it on for 25 minutes. Then rinse off the mask with cold water and apply moisturizer.

So, get creative ! from soups to ice cream, the possibilities are endless !

Until next time,
Heal yourself
Heal the planet

Sources : Prescription for Dietary Wellness, Phyllis A. Balch, CNC

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